

Kristin Henson is from Philadelphia, PA. She has two cats that she adores, likes to bike around town, and is passionate about web design and development. In her spare time though she has time to let her geek out and express herself with none other than….greeting cards! Yep, Kristin draws her designs by hand and they are so cute that you can’t possibly pass them up. She is also selling them at rock bottom prices ($3 each!) That’s a steal people, and you can’t get them anywhere but here : Henson Handmade should be a household name for greeting cards, and to think it all started with a simple note to her boyfriend! I hope she goes a long way and wish her all the best with her future creations.
Henson Homemade Greeting Cards:






Up-cycled fork bracelets that will amaze you.


John Marchello is from Ann Arbor, Michigan and he spends a lot of his time crafting stunning pieces of jewelry from old silver forks and spoons. He makes bracelets, rings, and art out his repurposed stock, and has sold almost 12,000 of his creations on Etsy. How truly inspiring is it that he can take some so simple and make you think about it for days just with a glance? My breath was truly taken away when I read that these beautiful bracelets were being made from average forks. The best part is, its affordable! His creations range in price from $20 to $100 and are worth every cent. No doubt I will be owning one as soon as humanly possible and it will be something that I cherish for a long time. It isn’t often that someone is so insanely creative, and John has taken it to the next step. I think one of his spoon rings would be perfect for a promise ring! Of course you know I had to include a link so you guys can go order for yourselves! Here is his shop link:







Printed Beauty


Joan Han is a photographer from Toronto, Canada, I noticed one of her flower prints as I was thumbing through Twitter and her stunning peonies took my breath away. She plays around with some fantastic colors in her collections, which are mostly of nature and landscapes. Joans photography exudes life, the petals of the flowers she captures on camera seem to breath air and flow together beautifully. You could take any one of her photos and put it against another and though they are dramatically different, they  all compliment each other in an exciting yet subtle way. The contrasts of light against the flowers and trees in her photos makes her work easy to love. When I saw these the first thing I thought was, where can I get them? And the next was where would I put them? Well I can picture them brightening up just about any room in my home, and possibly even an office area. As to where I could purchase them, I has to go to the source, and this is where Joan says you can buy h beauties : and that’s not the only place you can contact her, you can also find her o Facebook here : and on Twitter : @Jhanphotography . The best part is, not only can you get prints for wall decor, you can also buy greeting cards (under$10) and phone cases! (Around $40) Totally worth it because these photographs are so great! Be sure to check Joan out and put your order in for an amazing peonies cellphone case.










Deadly Serious


Want to get a peak at the hitter new girl in the comic world? Then head on over to : where you can find Crimson, a deadly ex lab worker turned super being, and she is kicking some major comic villain butt. Her main antagonist is the big boss of the the lab who’s experimentation turned her into a superhuman. Crimson is a wife, mother, and vigilante who must face evil to save her family. Deadly Crimsons dead pan comedy teams well with its ability to make fun of the campiness that come with the comic book world.

The creators are Travis Cheney and Melissa LeEllen, he is a well known screen play writer, and she is a producer,entrepreneur, and has even acted along side Sandra Bullock. Combine them with G.David Cooper,a very talented illustrator, and you can’t lose! They are still trying to get the comic funded fully, but with or without funding I have no doubt that Deadly Crimson is going to do well for itself and stand up against other comics of its genre. It is drawn much like the Grand Theft Auto Games and it is automatically relatable and has a familiar feel looking through its pages. I have included more fabulous photos for you to view and if you want to help them get funded you can do so here : and don’t forget to check out Crimsons website!




Art Worth Looking at…


Let’s go to Buxton, Maine where we can be right in the middle of Portland’s metropolis, and also where we can find artist Taryn Libby. She is a Maine native, and her beautiful art reflects that as she captures marine life on canvas in an extraordinary way. Taryn isn’t all sea though, she come up for air every now and then, and when she does amazing creations are born. Her use of color makes you have to take a second look. The boldness, brightness, and heavy lines give her art a life and light that radiates from inside the frame its kept in. So of course I had to share her beautiful work with my readers. The good news is that she has a Kickstarter page so that you can pop over for an even better look at her talent and get in touch with her. Here is your link to Taryn :

Here is more of  Taryn Libby’s work:







For the Artsy



Looking through my twitter feed I happened across an amazing digital artist, David Bridburg (@davidbridburg). I was looking through his website: and he explains that he uses Photoshop to “shape, shade, and configure several images into artwork”. And he does an amazing job! So I got in touch with him and found out about a website that allows artists to sell their artwork and prints, and the site is crazy easy to navigate. Most of the prints I saw featured to purchase were also inexpensive which is a huge plus, most were under $20!
  So of course after I found out about David I had to share, digital artistry is far too under rated, though it is proving itself to be the art of this generation. I really love David’s website, as well as fine art america, both prove to be worth the look around….hint hint readers, get on the web and get browsing because you can find some incredible artwork.




David Bridburg

Joy to the World!

We have finally launched our Happiness Revolution Kickstarter project. Please take a look, leave comments, and share for us! The funding will go toward media and events that will promote happiness all over the world!

If this link doesn’t happen to work click below. Thanks again!


Still bored? Still want some fun and crazy things to do? Here are a few more ideas we love to spread.

1. Body painting, indoor and outdoor activity, just cover yourself in paint and start rolling! Great activity to do with friends.

2. Silly videos- just make the funniest thing you can think of and post it everywhere!

3. Doggie mud wrestling, fun,exciting, messy, and video worthy every time.

4. Make blow guns out of straws and play target practice, load the straws with paint or color and go crazy blowing art onto a canvas or your friends new mustang 😉 we won’t tell.

5. Get junk and make a trash sculpture in the front yard or garden, add color for a pop or keep it neutral for an antique feel.

6. Have a mini parade, dress up in costume with your friends, buy some candy and go nuts down main street in your town!

7. Make some noise! Get a mini band together and play a free show on whatever instruments you have available. Make your own brand of music and let it rip.

8. Decorate your town with pumpkins or other seasonal decorative items. Have a huge party with pals going up and down streets decorating for the less fortunate or for the people who are just plain fun. It makes your home look wonderful while helping others and having a blast.

9. Just dance! Make up a silly dance solo or with buds and rock out your moves anywhere you can. Get a laugh or two, video your dance, just because its fun.

10. Floor plan, paint your floor with chalkboard paint, let dry, then have a blast designing a different floor anytime you want, friends can help, sign, or draw their own designs to help you personalize the floor in your home. Its fun, inexpensive, and creative, not to mention your peeps will love that they can play along.